This is my second Nothomb book. My mother joined a French reading club a while back that read this and Stupeur et Tremblements. Once done, she sent me these two books to read. I read the first right away and then waited an eternity before getting to Hygiène.
It's a great book. I love Nothomb's writing style. She uses almost no narrative, the vast majority of the story revealed through dialogue. It reads almost like a play, except that the speakers are not named. Yet, because her characters stand out so strongly and so uniquely, I was never confused as to who was speaking. It's amazing, also, that so much drama comes through in a story with next to no action. It's like reading a battle narrative, on the edge of my seat, watching a sparring match in which one seems to be the winner, then the underdog turns the tables, then the initial winner gains an advantage, etc.
It's a strange book. The first half introduce us to Prétextat Tach, a dying author being interviewed by a series of journalists. The second half is entirely different as one journalist is able to work her way beyond all Tach's masks and reaches the dark past and insanity he hides. It's sad, hilarious, and completely ridiculous all at once.
I don't know if there are any English translations of this book. If there are, I highly recommend giving it a read.
I am at a complete loss as to how to label this book. I apologize for the absurdly poor choice I've made, but I see none better.
I also discovered Nothomb recently, and read all her books that are translated into English. And then, out of curiosity, I bought Hygiene de l'Assassin, because now I just have to read everything Nothomb has written, and even though my French is minimal, I am translating this book word by word with a dictionary, and am rewarded on every page just the way you said it, "a battle narrative, on the edge of my seat, watching a sparring match...."