A series of two page profiles for a number of animals (including a section devoted to other humanoids). Cuppy displays a great deal of research and uses it well to make his profiles quite funny. The style of comedy is very subtle, making it easy to miss if the reference isn't known.
I wasn't wildly impressed with this book. I did enjoy it and it truly is very funny, but it left me feeling a bit empty; it's like a meal that just isn't as filling as expected. Finishing, I couldn't help but to feel that I could have much better spent my time with a different selection. That being said, however, it truly is quite funny and I certainly wouldn't say that it's a bad book.
Just to give a sense of what to expect, here is a passage:
"When standing beside a mimosa the Giraffe is indistinguishable from the tree except that he has four legs and a head and a tail. Some hunters will stalk a mimosa tree for days without getting results."
Ultimately, I found that the introduction by P.G. Wodehouse was the best part of the whole book (not only because Wodehouse is awesome, but also because all the best passages from the book to follow are quoted there).